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Twig functions

The bundle provides two Twig functions, both of which accept an optional second parameter of options. An optional third parameter config_name is available if you have multiple builds. Look at multiple configurations page for more details.

These functions render in your Twig templates the <script> or <style> tags associated with your entry points. Depending on the context (development, production, legacy) some additional internal tags will be automatically included (adding the Vite client, adding polyfills).


The additional attributes that you can define in the options will not be associated with the internal tags. If you want to add specific attributes to your internal tags (e.g. nonce), you can do so by subscribing to the RenderAssetTagEvent event (see Custom attributes).

vite_entry_script_tags 📜

arguments details:

  • <entry_name> type: string Name of your entrypoint defined in your vite.config.js file.
  • options (optional) type: associative array
    • dependency type: "react" | null if your code use ReactJS, you need to specify this dependency to allow Vite to be able to modify the HTML during development. More details on Vite documentation
    • attr: Array (an associative array of extra attributes).
    • absolute_url: type: boolean Generates full URLs of your js files
  • config_name (optional) type: string leave empty if you have only one vite.config.js file, else default_config if not specified.
{{ vite_entry_script_tags(
    dependency: 'react',
    attr: {
        referrerpolicy: "origin"
) }}

vite_entry_link_tags 🎨

arguments details:

  • <entry_name> type: string Name of your entrypoint defined in your vite.config.js file.
  • options (optional) type: associative array
    • attr: Array (an associative array of extra attributes).
    • preloadDynamicImports: type: boolean, default: false Preload dynamic imports in <link rel="modulepreload"> tags.
    • absolute_url: type: boolean Generates full URLs of your css files
  • config_name (optional) type: string leave empty if you have only one vite.config.js file, else default_config if not specified.
{{ vite_entry_link_tags(
    attr: {
        media: "screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
) }}


Some plugins require knowing if the development server is running to run scripts. This function solves this problem.

arguments details:

  • config_name (optional) type: string leave empty if you have only one vite.config.js file, else default_config if not specified.

return value : "dev" | "build" | null

{{ vite_mode('<custom-config-name-1>') }}


{% block stylesheets %}
  {{ vite_entry_link_tags('app') }}
{% endblock %}

{% block javascripts %}
  {{ vite_entry_script_tags('app') }}
  {% if vite_mode() == 'dev' %}
    <script type="module" src="http://localhost:5173/@vite-plugin-checker-runtime-entry"></script>
  {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

Released under the MIT License.